A.What is PUF?

1)Polyurethane Foam (PUF) is a rigid insulation foam shall be a two component system made by combining an “Isocyanate” component with a “Polyol” component.

2)  In rigid PUF, 3% of the entire volume is in solid state and 97% is in gaseous state which forms the strong closed cell content structure with high density ranges from 30kg/m3 to 100kg/m3 (ASTM Test D -1622).

B) PUF Insulation, Thermal Properties

1) PUF Insulation has a thermal conductivity value k=0.023W/mk which is the least and ensures better insulation performance as compared to LRB open cell mattresses (Rockwool).

2) Thermal expansion values for PUF insulation vary from  5×10-5 k and 8×10-5 k

3) Specific heat capacity Cp of PUF material is 1400J/(Kg.k) which is the highest as compared to LRB mattress Cp value 1030J/Kg.k. i.e. more amount of heat energy is required to raise the temperature of 1Kg mass of insulating material by 1K as compared to LRB.

4) Heat storage capacity C of PUF insulating material is the highest  and due to it’s closed cell content structure, there is no adequate heat loss.

5)Operating temperature range for PUF insulation is from -300C to +900C and can withstand temperature up to 2500 C with no adverse effects.

6)PUF insulation is fire resistant, it is a thermosetting   plastic with B2 level fire proof grade.

C) PUF Insulation, Physical Properties

1)PUF insulation has a life up to 50 years.

2)    It is resistant to moisture, it does not absorb moisture from the atmosphere and there is no capillary action of moisture. This protects the substrate from corrosion and enhances it’s life.

3) PUF has acoustic insulation properties, PUF boards with  suitable thickness and density can be manufactured according required DB level.

4) For long term static loads up to 100 Kpa, PUF insulation does not  deform. However the deformation observed over 30 years is only 2%.

5) PUF insulation does not rot, it resists mould and decay . It’s odour is neutral.

6) PUF insulation does not react with most of the chemicals like lime gypsum, bitumen, seawater, ammonia,  hydroxide, most of the organic compounds, Silicon oil, petrol and diesel.


1.PUF insulation is termed as ‘EQI’ which stands for Environmental Quality Insulation, which reduces green house gas emissions to the environment and acts as an ecological function of insulation.


1)PUF insulation is cost effective and is cheaper than any other insulation material.

2) PUF insulation system save more on  energy bills up to 60% depending on the running of boilers, HVAC equipments.

3) PUF insulation system, payback returns  after initial investment is two years.



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